Sir Charles Tupper Building Window Display

The Association Health Sciences Archives & Museums NS (AHSAMNS), through discussion with Dean Anderson, Dalhousie University, to have two windows available for this organization to display their artifacts and historical events [ read more ].

Victoria General Hospital  School of Nursing Alumni AGM (June 2023)

2023-2025 EXECUTIVE:

President: Ruby Fraser, class 1972A
President Elect - Vacant
Secretary – Debbie Beveridge, class 1974
Treasurer – Sandra Bauld, class 1969
Membership – Charlene Day, class 1972A
Past President – Debbie Dicks, class 1974


ARCHIVES – Gloria Stephens – class 1953A
BURSARY – Judy Walker – class 1985
COMMUNICATIONS & SOCIAL - Gail Logie – class 1968
NEWSLETTER – Lesa Light – class 1976
OBITUARIES – Ruth Douglas – class 1967 
PRPOGRAM – Mary Trott – class 1969
PUBLICITY – Edie Ward – class 1971B
PHOTOGRAPHER – Maureen Manuge – class 1972 A

PAST PRESIDENT PIN - Debbie Dicks received the Past President Pin from Sandra Bauld, Past President and nominating chair for 2022. 

HONOURARY LIFE MEMBER: 2023 – Iris Shea, class 1962A.

FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE AWARD: 2023 - Gloria Stephens, class 1953A.

Canadian tackles COVID-19 in New Zealand

Kia Ora! Wow! What a cracker of a year “down under” with the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF). I had left Nova Scotia in July 2019 and headed to NZ for a “working holiday,” as an Occupational Health Nurse at RNZAF Base Woodbourne, a key recruit and air trades training base, on the South Island, where I soon discovered there were lots of fun words to learn.  [read more]


The Association Health Sciences Archives & Museums of NS's (AHSAMNS) mandate from 2009, is to secure space for the first 'Health Sciences Archives & Museum' in Eastern Canada.  It would be an outstanding education and research base with the number of artifacts and historical documents that are presently collected in basements of medical personnel and certainly with the VGH School of Nursing Archives, Bethune building and the Medical History Society Archives, Abby Lane building.

After struggling for many years on the above mentioned mandate, the Board decided to proceed with another important project: "To digitalize a selected number of artifacts within the two above mentioned archives".  

Having obtained a grant from HRM 'Community Grant Program', the photos of the artifacts, produced by a professional archival photographer,  are available on the web sites of AHSAMNS and the VGH Alumni.  The AHSAMNS will now make plans for the future application of these photos. 

Reminder: the AHSMNS was first organized in 2004 as "Save the Archives" (Bethune building), and as more members from the different health organizations joined the name evolved.  It was necessary to expand as the VG Alumni could not approach such a major project alone.  Where we go from here - the big question - but the original mandate is still very much 'on the plate'.

- Gloria Stephens, President.

To view the photos, please click here.


As members of one of the oldest nursing schools in Canada and who celebrates 100 years of continuous Alumni meetings , it is time to give ourselves ‘a clap on the back’ . Not only for all the nursing care which was graciously and compassionately given but for also for the numerous contributions that the Alumni gave to the ‘community at large’ over all these years.  [read more]

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